The No Place For Hate Campaign is an Anti Defamation League (ADL) and a self directed program launched to make the school campus a safer and more welcoming place for students. This is Woodbridge High’s first year launching this campaign. The program focuses on preventing bullying and bias. The values of the campaign are inclusivity, respect and equality.
The No Place For Hate Campaign follows a four phase approach which includes forming a committee, introducing the pledge, assessing school climate and inspire students and staff to learn about each others identities. The campaign has been active for 35 years and has inspired similar programs to do the same.
According to the ADL’s website, over 1,600 schools across the United States have participated in this campaign involving over 1.4 million students and 100,000 educators. The No Place For Hate Campaign gives students and educators the resources to prevent bullying by helping them recognize the signs of students who are struggling.
The campaign follows a pledge that promises students to treat others with kindness, respect and to inform a trusted adult if they see someone being bullied. Every month one student is nominated who represents the school’s spirits and values.
At Woodbridge High, Kathryn Rush, Jennifer Denton and Angela Bushamie are the advisors for this years campaign. Denton is an education specialist for Woodbridge High and highlights her goals for the campaign.
“[I intend to] work with [my] fellow advisors to pull together as many students as possible to be part of the No Place for Hate program,” Denton said.
“[Because the campaign is student driven, the ultimate goal would be to] help identify students who are interested in helping create a school culture in which all students feel a sense of belonging and safety within their school environment,” Denton said.
She hopes students who are committed to this campaign will help bring the program to life throughout the school year. Rush is a math teacher and a Link Crewco-advisor at Woodbridge High. She speaks about the purpose and her goals for the No Place For Hate Campaign.
“A minor goal would be that one student feels a positive impact in some way from the clubs and that even if only one student benefits from the No Place for Hate program, it will have been worth it,” Rush said.
“[The club] benefits more humans and more students feel that they’re seen on campus and students feel that they are more knowledgeable and empowered to know about social and cultural aspects and people’s abilities and disabilities,” Rush said.
The No Place for Hate Campaign is aiming to connect with other students and schools along with increasing students belonging and safety.