Learning a new language is an extremely beneficial activity one can do. Not only does it help students with future paths they may take, with such a diverse community like Irvine, it can aid them in connecting with more people and immersing themselves into various different cultures. With this in mind, it feels lackluster with how Woodbridge High offers only three languages as viable class options.
Most people, if asked, would say that Irvine harbors an ethnically diverse environment. According to Data USA, the foreign-born population of Irvine is 39.5%, more than double the national average of 13.6%. With more foreign language options at Woodbridge High, students can help in breaking the language barrier for an even wider variety of ethnic groups living in Irvine.
“I think more languages would be more helpful to communicate to people that just came from other countries, or like, just moved in Irvine,” said freshman Leonardo Bressan.
Additionally, the incorporation of more languages will give students the chance to choose one that they are genuinely interested in learning. Having more languages as an opportunity to take will help students in finding one they have a passion for, which in return, makes them more engaged and motivated in the classroom.
“I think they can choose their favorite language options based on their personal interests, future goals, or cultural backgrounds,” said Rowland High School Korean teacher Sona Park.
Student’s passion to become fluent in a foreign language they show interest in may also give them more advantages in the workforce compared to those who can only speak one language. According to Washington Tech, bilingual employees can earn between 5 to 20% more per hour compared to single language employees.
“If you’re literate in your own language, you can be literate in another language. And if you’re bilingual, it’s super important because in the future, it helps you become more marketable for companies and you can do extra things, get extra A’s, things like that,” said Spanish teacher Luis Barahona.
Some may believe that the current language classes given already satisfy most students and that any future addition of languages won’t have as many students taking it. With this being a potential issue, any languages that may be added should only be ones that a large number of students are interested in or a language that is commonly spoken in Irvine