What is your name and what grade are you in?
“I am Dakota Chandler and I am a senior”
If you could share one thing with the world what would it be?
“Um, I would probably say like, talk to as many people as possible, and like make friends with as many people as
possible because, the world is like so small. Yeah.”
What is something about you that people wouldn’t really expect?
“Like I’m kind of an introvert. I from high school lowkey really like my time to myself, even though like I, am very involved and I do a lot of things, I really like being by myself, too.”
What motivates you when you’re struggling?
“Um…Like, since I’m an older sibling, I feel like I have to be a role model. And just like, in general, I want people to look up to me and be like, ‘oh, I want to go to her for advice’ or like, ‘I wanna–she’s my role model I wanna be her’ cause like that’s how I was when I was little, so I wanna be that for little kids so that like motivates me to be better.”
What is your favorite memory from high school?
“I would probably say…um… probably junior year volleyball season cause that was really fun. Cause it just felt like a community, but also ASB’s- -even though it’s a lot of work it’s also really fun.”
Who do you admire most and why?
“Oh I really admire my neighbor’s mom, like my-my mom that’s a neighbor. She is just so kind and she always sees the good in people, and I think that that’s, it’s really something great about like, people that can see the good in anyone, that’s very admirable. Because you always just see, oh, that person didn’t do something right. Like, you see that, but, like she sees all the good leading up to it. So I think that’s good.”
What would you say is your biggest goal right now?
“Honestly, to be my neighbor’s mom. Like to be someone that people look up to and like, just not different, but like sees the good in people. Like I want to be someone that is seen as a good person.”