Warrior’s successful football season comes to an end
Senior David Chiaramonte with a corner back position faces off opposing team’s wide receiver at Uni High.
The raucous cheers of students carried through the brisk fall air and onto the field, adding to the electric energy on the turf. As the clock ticked down into the final seconds, the Warriors needed a field goal to tie the game and a touchdown to win and move on in CIF playoffs. On third down, the team threw a pass into the end zone, but it unfortunately found the hands of a Laguna Hills defender for a game-ending interception.
Thus ended the Warrior football season (6-6) with the final score of 10-13. Although the team may have felt defeated after the end of the game, it did not lose without a fight and left an impressive season behind it.
Before the game, coach Rick Gibson reflected on pre-season and league games, highlighting the team’s strongest qualities.
“Their attitude and work ethic were great, and it lead to some success at the end,” Gibson said. “The last four weeks they’ve played with a tremendous amount of confidence. Our number one goal was to win league, and that didn’t happen, but we got the next best thing, finishing second.”
The Warriors fought hard, despite never being in the lead. Junior and star running back Connor McBride turned in another scintillating performance, ending the game with an impressive 162 rushing yards. To that, the multi-talented McBride added another 13 passing yards, capping a record breaking season that can only be described as spectacular.
Junior quarterback Spencer Weston finished the game with a total of 108 passing yards, including a 29-yard touchdown strike to senior Drew Phillips in the second quarter. Phillips also booted a 37-yard field goal, which closed the gap between the Warriors and Hawks to three points; however, the Warriors were unable to translate this momentum into a win.
Senior and defensive captain Kian Heiat looked at the big picture, recognizing the growth of the team from prior seasons.
“It’s been more successful than in the past, because we had a lot of younger and inexperienced players in the beginning of the season, but they’ve really stepped up,” Heiat said. “As one of the leaders on my team, I talked less and let others step up to take on leadership roles. So I definitely think this year has been a great improvement from where we’ve come from before.”
Senior Joe Waterman succinctly summarized not only this season, but his entire time playing for the Warriors.
“I’m grateful for our teammates and the support we got from around the campus,” Waterman said. “My best memories were from the experiences with the many close friends on the team. The whole season was positive, and I will look fondly and gratefully back on it.”
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