Warrior Nation visits the “Happiest Place on Earth”

Warrior Nation gathers for a photo in front of the Disneyland Park castle for their annual trip to the park.

On Feb. 9, Warrior Nation board with Special Education visited Disneyland Park for their annual trip.

“They make it fun because they like the same rides as me and they’re my peers,” said sophomore Keiko Bethke.

The Warrior Nation board members, comprised of mostly seniors organize events and days to bond with students in the Special Education department. The trip to Disneyland is their biggest and most exciting event each year for the students.

Warrior Nation board members have become fast friends with members and value the time they get to spend together. Bethke’s favorite ride is “The Matterhorn,” which she rode for the first time last year with Warrior Nation on the annual trip.

“The difference is going with a big group versus with a small group with your family, also having a buddy from Warrior Nation is cool to ride with,” said sophomore Aaron Ortiz.

Typically, students go to Disneyland with their families, but they’ve discovered that they also really enjoy going with their classmates and the Warrior Nation board. The students especially like going with other students at school because they and their friends get to go on so many rides like Ortiz’s favorite, the Star Wars ride.