Growing Up in History: Impeachment Controversy

Teens and young adults learn that they need to educate themselves on politics in order to prevent the same political mistakes from occurring again.

Cassidy Le

The current impeachment inquiries have a drastic effect on the country.

The controversial events of the 2016 presidential election to the actual presidency of Donald J. Trump has kept reporters on their toes for the next scandal to occur–these past three years have made it a time to be alive in politics. On Sept. 24, 2019 Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, finally declared an impeachment inquiry on President Trump. The younger generations of America should learn from these political scandals.

Most educators and students will agree that reading about history and its context is much different than enduring and being a witness to history. Although most high schoolers have been educated on the processes behind impeachment, the electoral college and  the role of the president, they still do not understand what is really going on in today’s news, especially in terms of the political atmosphere. “A lot of people hear the term [impeachment] and assume what it means, believing it to be a quick process of removing a president when really it’s just one step in a difficult process to officially remove them,” senior Dana Witkin said.

President Trump can be impeached if two-thirds of the House of Representatives passes for impeachment. Then, the Senate can try the president, as the presiding Chief Justice of the Supreme Court oversees the trial, and if ruled guilty, removed from office. Unfortunately, Congress refuses to hold a vote on impeachment because certain political parties are so aggressive in their support of President Trump, which contributes to an unfair process. Political parties have divided our country, and made it harder to have fair impeachment proceedings. The party representations in Congress creates a distraught political environment and makes a negative example of leaders for younger generations in America.

This isn’t the first time that teenagers are growing up in a politically tense atmosphere. In 1974, President Richard Nixon resigned from office due to the Supreme Court charging him three articles of impeachment, regarding the Watergate Scandal. While very similar to the current impeachment process at hand, the difference is the way technology has allowed youths to state their opinion.

High school and college students in today’s era take to online platforms and public protests to voice their opinions. For example two years ago Woodbridge High students, along with many other schools, participated in the national school walkout to protest gun violence. Political involvement will only continue with the current political disorder surrounding the Trump Administration. Young adults should understand that it is their duty to protect democracy, fair elections and become better leaders in the future. “We’ve seen a higher number of kids participating in protests, and if the president really does get impeached, this involvement will be further extenuated,” junior Samay Alag said. Students participate in protests and speakout on social media, but they are educating themselves at the same time. The political education and awareness of students in this era has allowed young adults to have a stronger presence in America, even though they cannot vote.

Educate yourself about the impeachment process, enter the conversation that the rest of the country is having and understand what kind of leader you must vote for in the future.