The team that puts youths to action


Photo courtesy of Ambica Makhija

Co-leaders Ambica Makhija, Alex Popovski and Lexi Deane promote anti-drug use.

Youth Action Team (YAT), an after-school community service organization, encourages students to be actively involved in their community. The team plans community service and social events in the city to bring people together and help the community.

“We give community service projects to teens in our community, and we have social events for people to meet new kids and make friends,” senior and co-leader Ambica Makhija said.

There are a variety of different kinds of community service projects that YAT does. These projects include dances, Clash of the Classics (different bands performing at a concert), Zumba, Yoga and more.  The group also helps to coordinate various runs and races and works with local nature centers and animal shelters. The members are also trying to add dance competitions.

YAT is a great way for high school students to learn social and work skills, experience new challenges and discover that they have what it takes to make a difference in their community. Every Wednesday after school, participants of the YAT program volunteer in off-campus service projects for approximately two to three hours, according to the city of Irvine’s website.

“I’ve gained, and many other people have gained, strong friendships with each other and a better outlook on life and a better way to see your community,” senior and co-leader Lexi Deane said.

Both Deane and Makhija said that more people should join YAT because they will have great opportunities to meet new people and help their community.

YAT is not another ordinary club; it is a special one that is run mainly by high school students and one that meets every week  to work on various projects. Some events, like the dances, are mainly for kids and some projects are done to benefit everyone. The club can truly affect the members involved in the program and the community around them.